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Charleigh Carthy

Mr. Muench


Behind the Scenes


21 Jump Street


          For my behind the scenes assignment I decided to watch 21 Jump Street. Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill are both very funny people in real life and in the movie. Before watching the video, I was very curious to how they get into character. Turns out they don’t need to because they are constantly in character on set. One clip even shows them doing duel with the fake cop guns that are on their belt.  I also noticed was that they used real hotel rooms and offices. Usually movies are done on sets, so for me this was pretty interesting.

        In the BTS video at 1:42 they show how the shooting scene in the hotel went down. I always thought the sparks were just effects but turns out they aren't.  There is also tape and mattson the ground so the actors known where to go and could fall safely .Since the shot never showed the floor in this scene, the tape and matt's were left there so that they knew where to go during stunts.  

       Most of their equipment is similar to what we have in class. The cat’s tail, the lenses, a trolly, and lights. In the biking scene they actually used a quad (four wheeler) to film the shot. I assumed that they would have used a similar camera set up like we saw during the parade of the bachelor or a trolly.  

   Another thing I noticed is that the camera man is never alone. He usually has someone following him behind making sure everything is going good and that the camera man doesn’t fall. Sort of like what I did with Daniel in Blue Solo Cup going through the kitchen and living room.

     During the outside gun scene at the prom, the set up was pretty similar to the hotel room, tape on the group and matts of the floor. One thing I notice was that after Channing Tatum got shot and feel to the ground, there was a white background blocking the outside stuff. (6:03).  

       I also enjoy how the actors get to see what's going on after the shot was taken. Multiple times during the video you see Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill and other cast members sitting there talking about the shot, saying what went well and what didn’t.         Also ,usually on the first take they yell cut because everyone is laughing so hard. Eventually the scene becomes less funny for the actors and make it easier for the to do their job.

       The biggest thing I noticed was that it's all young adults running the set! I am pretty sure that the actors are older than their bosses. The oldest guys on set the directors, Phil Lord (43) and Chris Miller (43). I known Muench has said this a thousand times, but it's something everyone can do if they really wanted to. No forty-five year old wants to be a PA on set to Channing Tatum or Jonah Hill. Theses are jobs that young adults or teenagers want.

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